All about you...

Refocus your inner clarity and feel harmony, purpose and connection to your personal and work life!

Choose courses that you feel attracted to or know you need - build a strong, healthy mind and fulfilling life. Feel mentally & emotionally lighter, calmer & in control, happier & energised as you grow & learn.

If you’d like to feel more connected, fulfilled, and confident in knowing who you are and what you want from your life, then the courses below are for you.

Sue Kohn-Taylor shows you how to respond proactively and positively to daily life so that you can live and work at your best.

We work from the inside out!

All about you...

Refocus your inner clarity and feel harmony, purpose and connection to your personal and work life!

Choose courses that you feel attracted to or know you need - build a strong, healthy mind and fulfilling life. Feel mentally & emotionally lighter, calmer & in control, happier & energised as you grow & learn.

If you’d like to feel more connected, fulfilled, and confident in knowing who you are and what you want from your life, then the courses below are for you.

Sue Kohn-Taylor shows you how to respond proactively and positively to daily life so that you can live and work at your best.

We work from the inside out!

Sign Up to These Amazing Courses!

Your Mental Fitness in Today's World

It's time to take charge of your mental  & emotional fitness and dive into a world of daily wellbeing rituals and personal growth practices that will propel you towards a more balanced & enjoyable day to day life.

How Do I Handle Stress Quiz

Stress is all around us, but you don't have to let it control your life. Find out if you're managing stress in a healthy or unhealthy way! Enroll and take this quiz today!

Your wheel of Life

The Wheel of Life is an integral tool to help you understand what's working & not working in your life. I'll help to guide you on the steps to creating positive change in the areas of life you want to improve.

Stress Management

Stress comes in many forms. We all have different tolerances for it. Understand yours, the impact and how to manage it & learn practical tools to help you find balance and improve your well-being.

Who Am I?

Who Am I is a powerful course that gets you to think deeper about who you really are & what you want from your life. Understand how other people may see you, look at where you might be out of alignment & learn how to navigate life with purpose.

5 Ways to Quickly Reduce Stress and Overwhelm

Conquer stress and overwhelm with these 5 strategies. Take charge of your mental fitness and make a difference in your life and those around you. Enroll today!

15 Ways to Quickly Eliminate Stress & Overwhelm

Manage stress and overwhelm with our enlightening mini course. Learn these 15 powerful techniques to swiftly eliminate stress, regain vitality, and ignite your motivation. Enroll now and unlock your true potential for a stress-free life.

Sign Up to These Amazing Courses!

Your Mental Fitness in Today's World

It's time to take charge of your mental  & emotional fitness and dive into a world of daily wellbeing rituals and personal growth practices that will propel you towards a more balanced & enjoyable day to day life.

How Do I Handle Stress Quiz

Stress is all around us, but you don't have to let it control your life. Find out if you're managing stress in a healthy or unhealthy way!

Enroll and take this quiz today!

Your Compass of Life

Your Compass of Life is an integral tool to help you understand what's working & not working in your life. I'll help to guide you on the steps to creating positive change in the areas of life you want to improve.

Stress Management

Stress comes in many forms. We all have different tolerances for it. Understand yours, the impact and how to manage it & learn practical tools to help you find balance and improve your well-being.

Who Am I?

Who Am I is a powerful course that gets you to think deeper about who you really are & what you want from your life. Understand how other people may see you, look at where you might be out of alignment & learn how to navigate life with purpose.

5 Ways to Quickly Reduce Stress and Overwhelm

Conquer stress and overwhelm with these 5 strategies. Take charge of your mental fitness and make a difference in your life and those around you. Enroll today!

15 Ways to Quickly Eliminate Stress & Overwhelm

Manage stress and overwhelm with our enlightening mini course. Learn these 15 powerful techniques to swiftly eliminate stress, regain vitality, and ignite your motivation. Enroll now and unlock your true potential for a stress-free life.

Daily Empowerment:

Become Your Own Coach

If you want to make a difference to the way you show up every day then learning how to become your own coach is essential personal development learning! This course is designed to provide you with tools, techniques, and mindset needed to become your own coach.

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The Mental Fitness Company 2023. All rights reserved

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