Your E-Learning Hub

Let's make being human easier


Here's what we have created for you....

The Mental Fitness Company offers training and courses to build strong, healthy minds and fulfilling lives. We want to help
enhance people's capability so they show up as their optimal self, at work & their personal lives.

Mental & emotional fitness make our days run more smoothly, with more agile thinking and a better approach to problem-solving. It makes us stronger so we are happier partners, individuals and workers.

Most of us know what it’s like to feel stressed, stuck, unfulfilled, to overreact or to be unproductive.

The daily life we’re living is full of change, expectation, digital distraction, disconnection and challenges us on a regular basis.

We can suffer from mass distraction, negative mindsets and feel disconnected from who we are and how we want our life to be. Our relationships, quality of work and sense of fulfillment suffer and this flows into our relationships, families, workplaces and communities.

But there’s a way to make it easier for ourselves. And the answer is learning how to build mental & emotional fitness as we engage in the development of ourselves.

Get started with our online courses in the E-Learning Hub. We also offer packages of courses for organisations so that they can develop their employees!

Featured Course


Explore what it means to have stress and overwhelm. Learn 15 fantastic ways to build new rituals in your daily life. De-stress and get back your energy and motivation!

About Sue Kohn-Taylor

The Mental Fitness Company was founded by Sue Kohn-Taylor, an expert at navigating life, a master at motivating & inspiring people to take action for good in their lives, and a mental & emotional fitness specialist.

At the age of 19 I learnt how powerful humans are, how our mind can be our partner in life success or our downfall. I learnt the power of building mental & emotional fitness & the importance of personal development.

I was at university studying business and on a return trip back to University I was involved in a head on car accident. I suffered multiple injuries including a head injury and I lost my short and medium term memory and almost died. I lost my planned future that day.

But what I learnt was that my mindset and attitude were key to my motivation to make this a different story.

I now work across many industries and with hundreds of people every year and what I see is that life in its current form is causing us to be more stressed and anxious. We have complicated what it is to be human. We all need to get back in the driver's seat as much as we can and navigate our way stronger through life.

From 1:1 coaching to guiding entire workforces, Sue’s no-nonsense nous and real-life experience is highly sought-after in New Zealand and across the globe.

A regular on TV, a column writer and a frequent speaker, she dedicates her time to sharing her vision, because she believes that building a mentally & emotionally fit mind is the most important gateway to gaining freedom over any life event.

Sue Kohn-Taylor


Workshops / Webinars

Build mental, emotional fitness & wellbeing

Confidence, competence & leadership skills

Be calmer, connected, happier & energised

Workshops supported by personal development

- "E-Learning Hub"

"E-Peptalk" for ongoing support

Personal Development

Coaching one to one or with teams

Develop skills, talents, self awareness and self-identity

Feel mentally & emotionally lighter

Break self-limiting beliefs and behaviours

Confidence, competence and leadership skills

Online Courses - live or self led

Topics on personal development, mental & emotional fitness

Wellbeing champion training & support

Learn about who you are & what you want from your life!

© Copyright The Mental Fitness Company 2023


Here's what we have created for you....

The Mental Fitness Company offers training and courses to build strong, healthy minds and fulfilling lives. We want to help
enhance people's capability so they show up as their optimal self, at work & their personal lives.

Mental & emotional fitness make our days run more smoothly, with more agile thinking and a better approach to problem-solving. It makes us stronger so we are happier partners, individuals and workers.

Most of us know what it’s like to feel stressed, stuck, unfulfilled, to overreact or to be unproductive.

The daily life we’re living is full of change, expectation, digital distraction, disconnection and challenges us on a regular basis.

We can suffer from mass distraction, negative mindsets and feel disconnected from who we are and how we want our life to be. Our relationships, quality of work and sense of fulfillment suffer and this flows into our relationships, families, workplaces and communities.

But there’s a way to make it easier for ourselves. And the answer is learning how to build mental & emotional fitness as we engage in the development of ourselves.

Get started with our online courses in the E-Learning Hub. We also offer packages of courses for organisations so that they can develop their employees!

Featured Course


Explore what it means to have stress and overwhelm. Learn 15 fantastic ways to build new rituals in your daily life. De-stress and get back your energy and motivation!

About Sue Kohn-Taylor

The Mental Fitness Company was founded by Sue Kohn-Taylor, an expert at navigating life, a master at motivating & inspiring people to take action for good in their lives, and a mental & emotional fitness specialist.

At the age of 19 I learnt how powerful humans are, how our mind can be our partner in life success or our downfall. I learnt the power of building mental & emotional fitness & the importance of personal development.

I was at university studying business and on a return trip back to University I was involved in a head on car accident. I suffered multiple injuries including a head injury and I lost my short and medium term memory and almost died. I lost my planned future that day.

But what I learnt was that my mindset and attitude were key to my motivation to make this a different story.

I now work across many industries and with hundreds of people every year and what I see is that life in its current form is causing us to be more stressed and anxious. We have complicated what it is to be human. We all need to get back in the driver's seat as much as we can and navigate our way stronger through life.

From 1:1 coaching to guiding entire workforces, Sue’s no-nonsense nous and real-life experience is highly sought-after in New Zealand and across the globe.

A regular on TV, a column writer and a frequent speaker, she dedicates her time to sharing her vision, because she believes that building a mentally & emotionally fit mind is the most important gateway to gaining freedom over any life event.

Sue Kohn-Taylor


Workshops / Webinars

Build mental, emotional fitness & wellbeing

Confidence, competence & leadership skills

Be calmer, connected, happier & energised

Workshops supported by personal development

- "E-Learning Hub"

"E-Peptalk" for ongoing support

Personal Development

Coaching one to one or with teams

Develop skills, talents, self awareness and self-identity

Feel mentally & emotionally lighter

Break self-limiting beliefs and behaviours

Confidence, competence and leadership skills

Online Courses - live or self led

Topics on personal development, mental & emotional fitness

Wellbeing champion training & support

Learn about who you are & what you want from your life!

© Copyright The Mental Fitness Company 2023